This game is based on the fantasy console TIC-80

It is a competitive multiplayer game with frogs.

The controls are:

  1. up/down for frog 1 (green)
  2. left/right for frog 2 (red)
  3. Z/X for frog 3 (blue)

To jump, press both button at the same time.

The goal is to catch as much flies as possible. But be careful to not go out of the screen or you will loose half of the points you have collected with your frog.

The final update to this game would be the remap the controls so that the game could be more practical to play on a keyboard.


frog.tic 19 kB
frog-postjam.tic 19 kB

Install instructions

This game has been made on the fantasy console TIC-80


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Cool Game. had fun playing it


thanks, I am still working on it to add sounds effect and clean up the code